


Gelonghui May 2 丨 CIMC Vehicles (01839videopokerstrip.HK) issued an announcementvideopokerstrip, at 4:00 pm on May 2, 2024videopokerstrip, already 1videopokerstrip.35 million H shares (accounting for approximately 23.942% of the company's total issued H shares and approximately 6.692% of the company's total issued share capital) received valid acceptance of the H share repurchase offer, including 133.6 million H shares held by independent H share shareholders (accounting for approximately 91.936% of all H shares held by independent H share shareholders, approximately 23.687% of all H shares issued and approximately 6.620% of the company's total issued share capital). Since the Company has received valid acceptance of the H-share repurchase offer, accounting for at least 90% of the H shares held by independent H-share shareholders, the condition (d) of the H-share repurchase offer and voluntary delisting has been met.


As of the date of this announcement, all conditions for the H-share repurchase offer and voluntary delisting have been met, and the Company announced that the H-share repurchase offer and voluntary delisting have become unconditional in all respects.

H share shareholders should note that the H share repurchase offer will still be open for acceptance, and the last time for acceptance of the H share repurchase offer will be 4:00 pm on May 30, 2024.

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2024-05-03 01:36:10

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