


The Berkshire Hathaway shareholders' meeting focused on by global investors was held in the small city of Omaha, Nebraska. Sina Finance spoke to Chen Kaifeng, chief economist of Huisheng Financial Co., at the meeting.

Talking about artificial intelligenceCrashboombanggameHe believes that artificial intelligence should be in full bloom in the United States at present, there are many companies that can be invested in, and investment in US stocks is "the sky is the limit."

"the three largest pieces in artificial intelligence are hardware, chips, and software, and the third is the so-called data and computing power. Obviously, these three blocks are now very ahead of the United States," Chen Kaifeng believes. From this point of view, the economic driving force of the United States in the next step is very huge, and the stock market will certainly benefit, which is different from the logic of investing in US stocks two or three years ago.

He introduced the current relatively promising industry opportunities: one is medical and health care, including medical services, including biology, that is, stem cells, cancer treatment, and so on; the other is financial technology, global payment; there is also health food, including organic food, organic agriculture, and so on; and electric cars, electric trucks.

Guest Golden sentence:

At present, artificial intelligence should be in full bloom in the United States, and there are many companies that can be invested in.

Solar energy, wind energy, cars including new energy sources, and the entire energy storage system, I believe this is a very good opportunity. And this is not a short-term opportunity, it is an investment opportunity for five to ten years, decades.

The next biggest opportunity for Chinese companies is to push capacity to other countries, rather than domestically in China.

The following is a transcript of the interview with Chen Kaifeng.

Sina Finance: professor Chen, thank you very much for your exclusive interview with Sina Finance. For this year's shareholders' meeting, what areas do you pay more attention to?

Chen Kaifeng: I have paid a lot of attention. One, of course, is to see what Buffett plans to do next. Recently, he has lowered Apple's position a little bit, including the cash he has on hand, and his reserves have reached a new high, including his next investment. Of course, he has a lot of investments now. He is his two successors, Ted and Todd. I would like to hear his next plan. In addition, he talked a lot about artificial intelligence last year and now. The topic of artificial intelligence has been very hot since last year. He also told you a year in advance. I want to hear his views on the next step of artificial intelligence.

Of course, a large part of it is Japan. Three years ago, he laid out Japan and told people all over the world that he had already earned several times, so what are his plans for Japan next? It seems to me that he increased his position in Japan in January. So I'd like to see what he thinks of Japan next. In all aspects, of course, there are a lot of macro people who want to hear him talk.

Sina Finance: investing in Open Al is one of the most successful investment decisions made by Microsoft in recent years. In your exclusive interview with Sina Finance last year, you encouraged everyone to invest in Microsoft, which is very prescient. Will you continue to advise people to invest in Microsoft now? Or what other companies in the field of artificial intelligence do you recommend?

Chen Kaifeng: of course there are a lot of things about Open Al. Of course, a lot of things have happened since last year, including the dismissal of his CEO and then coming back, but one thing is obvious in the whole process, that is, Microsoft CEO handled this matter very appropriately. From the beginning to the end, he said that I would support Open Al, but he would not interfere. In fact, Microsoft has benefited a lot from it, but it also makes people feel that he has left independence to Open Al.

So from all aspects, I think Microsoft will definitely benefit from artificial intelligence, but in fact, not only Microsoft, but Apple itself also has a lot of artificial intelligence technology under development, including its voice assistant, ah, and so on. Including Tesla and so on, artificial intelligence should be in full bloom in the United States at present, and there are many companies that can invest in it. Of course, as I mentioned at the beginning, Aerial, a little girl who has played table tennis with Buffett for 10 years since the age of 9, is also working in an artificial intelligence startup. So, I believe there are many opportunities in this field.


Sina Finance: the development of artificial intelligence is inseparable from the support of its power of calculation. For example, the stock of chip company Nvidia has grown several times rapidly in the past year. Do you think Nvidia's stock is suitable for long-term holding?

Chen Kaifeng: Nvidia's stock is of course the leader. The stock of the leading industry of artificial intelligence is very worth holding, but not only the power itself, but also energy, and now because artificial intelligence consumes too much energy, the United States has begun to lack energy. Nvidia's chip is high energy consumption. It is actually Buffett that provides energy. Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company is one of the largest energy companies in the United States, and now Texas and other companies are starting to lose power. In fact, it is beneficial to them.

Sina Finance: so Buffett seemed unsure about the development of artificial intelligence at last year's shareholders' meeting, but he indirectly made a lot of money through artificial intelligence. For example, through his investment in energy. When it comes to energy, now the new energy, environmental protection energy is a very hot investment topic, what kind of investment views do you have on this aspect?

Chen Kaifeng: now the whole new energy market, I think it is a major trend, there is no doubt. Whether it's solar energy (000591), wind energy, cars that include new energy, and the entire energy storage system, I believe this is a very good opportunity. And this is not a short-term opportunity, it is an investment opportunity for five to ten years, decades. Not only do we invest, but Buffett also invests. Berkshire invests tens of billions of dollars in new energy every year.

Sina Finance: now the development of the new energy electric vehicle industry seems to be very rapid, the competition is very fierce, it feels that his moat does not seem to be that high, so is it right to say that he is not quite in line with Buffett's value investment concept?


新浪财经:提到Open Al,它最近推出的文字转视频的模型Sora也非常火,Sora这个名字其实是源于日文的这个空,天空的空。说到天空就让我想到了陈教授最近在新浪微博上发表的对美国股市发展前景的评价:天空才是极限。您可以阐述一下这句话的含义吗?



陈凯丰:好的,首先苹果这几年说实话业绩一般,它的收入下降了,但利润还是不错,它的利润很好,但是成长乏力。而且苹果之前想做自己的汽车,电动车,现在是放弃了。苹果他做的新的像vision Pro,三维的AR、VR,那个还是非常好的。但是似乎给人感觉苹果本身再想大规模的发展可能比较有限,但是,苹果大规模搞回购,所以,如果你是苹果股东,你持有不动的话,你的股份占比是不断上升的。所以对于巴菲特来说,我觉得卖出一些苹果股份是一个应该做的事情吧,他这个股份占比越来越高,应该是卖出一部分去做一些别的。






这一点目前是大趋势,就是you have to sell and make local,这一点我认为也是中国企业下一步最大的机会,把产能推到其他国家去,而不是在中国国内。现在国内这个词叫内卷是吧?他要把产能要放到其他国家去,可以说,这就是国际化的一条必经之路吧。





Sina Finance: Thank you very much to Professor Chen for his wonderful sharing. Thank you once again for accepting an exclusive interview with Sina Finance. I hope to see Professor Chen again at tomorrow's shareholders 'meeting and at the Sino-US investor reception hosted by Sina Finance tomorrow evening. Thank you.

(Sina Finance's U.S. Special Representative Bai Xue and Amanda Guo Yi

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2024-05-05 00:36:10

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