


Newsletter summary

Hanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has co-established the Joint Research Center of synthetic Biology and Peptide drugs.CrashtestlauncherHanyu Pharmaceutical (300199) said on the investor interactive platform on May 5 that the company has worked with Shenzhen Advanced Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Deep Science and Technology in 2022 on the research and development of synthetic biology and peptides.Crashtestlauncher...


Text of news flash

Hanyu Pharmaceutical: the company has jointly established the Joint Research Center of synthetic Biology and Peptide drugs. Hanyu Pharmaceutical (300199) said on the investor interactive platform on May 5 that in the research and development of synthetic biology and peptides, the company has reached a tripartite agreement with Shenzhen Advanced Academy of Sciences and Shenzhen Science and Technology in 2022 to jointly build the "Joint Research Center of synthetic Biology and Peptide drugs". Cooperate on the research of polypeptide drugs such as diabetes, obesity, anti-infection, anti-tumor and so on. According to the candidate development varieties of peptide drugs or the varieties of peptide drugs that need to be improved urgently, the company will use the method of synthetic biology, combined with rational design, molecular optimization and high-throughput screening platform to carry out candidate peptide drug research. So far, the Joint Research Center is using synthetic biology-related technology to construct and screen high-surface dasmeglu peptide propeptide strains, combined with the company's unique chemical modification technology. the aim is to provide large-scale, low-cost raw materials for the development of oral simigelutide preparations, optimize accessibility issues, and prepare for further expanding the international market. Proofread: Liu Rongzhi

06 05

2024-05-06 05:21:03

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