
playsicbo| The Environmental Resources Department of the National Development and Reform Commission went to Hunan to investigate large-scale equipment updates and trade-in of consumer goods


Newsletter summary

[Department of Environmental Resources of the National Development and Reform Commission went to Hunan to investigate large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods] Securities Times e Company, from May 8 to 10, Liu Dechun, director of the Environmental Resources Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, led a team to Hunan Province to investigate large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in work. Research groupPlaysicbo...

Text of news flash

[Department of Environmental Resources of the National Development and Reform Commission went to Hunan to investigate large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods] Securities Times e Company, from May 8 to 10, Liu Dechun, director of the Environmental Resources Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, led a team to Hunan Province to investigate large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in work. The research group successively went to Changsha Ningxiang Economic and technological Development Zone, Yueyang Miluo Circular economy Industrial Park, CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Research Institute Co., Ltd., Zhuzhou Liling Economic Development Zone and other places to understand in detail the technological transformation and equipment renewal needs of equipment manufacturing enterprises and energy-using enterprises, and to investigate the recycling, remanufacturing and resource utilization of waste equipment. A forum was organized and held in Changsha to learn about the progress and achievements in promoting large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods in Hunan Province.PlaysicboPreliminary results, analyze the situation and problems faced, and listen to the opinions and suggestions of provincial development and reform departments and relevant enterprises.

playsicbo| The Environmental Resources Department of the National Development and Reform Commission went to Hunan to investigate large-scale equipment updates and trade-in of consumer goods

11 05

2024-05-11 22:27:29

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