
spaceinvaderspinball| The couple were both diagnosed with colorectal cancer because of the same habit, which doctors believe is related to poor eating habits.


Recently, in Hangzhou, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Sun, the couple, encountered health problems.spaceinvaderspinballchallenges. In early April,spaceinvaderspinballThey booked a painless gastroscopy, and the results worried them: both couple were diagnosed with multiple large intestine polyps, and pathological results showed high-level intraepithelial neoplasia, a pre-stage lesion of colorectal cancer. Fortunately, due to the timely discovery, they only need to be reviewed regularly after undergoing surgical treatment.

spaceinvaderspinball| The couple were both diagnosed with colorectal cancer because of the same habit, which doctors believe is related to poor eating habits.

It is clinically rare for a couple to have the same cancer at the same time. Doctors analyzed that their condition is closely related to poor eating habits. Uncle Zhang and Aunt Sun usually live frugal lives. They often put leftovers in the refrigerator and continue to eat them for the next meal. Sometimes they will mix them with fresh vegetables, resulting in a dish that may last for three consecutive days. In this eating habit, pickles and overnight meals contain high levels of nitrite. Excess nitrite combines with protein decomposition products amines in the human body to form Class I carcinogen nitrosamines, which greatly increases the risk of esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, bowel cancer, etc.

This incident reminds the public that eating habits have a profound impact on health. In order to prevent similar situations, the public is advised to pay attention to food hygiene, avoid long-term consumption of pickles and overnight vegetables, and reduce the intake of nitrite to reduce the risk of cancer. At the same time, regular health checkups are of great significance for early detection and treatment of diseases.

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2024-05-22 10:37:25

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