
wemadegamesnft| Latest! A 100 billion-dollar pipe company approved to expand its business


The competition of securities firms' asset management business is fierce.

On May 24, Guolian Securities announced that Guolian Securities Asset Management, a subsidiary of the company, recently received a "license to operate Securities and Futures Business". According to the official website of Guolian Securities and assets Management, Guolian Securities Asset Management was officially unveiled on May 23. This means that another hundreds of billions of brokerage asset management subsidiaries officially develop their business.

In the past two years, securities firms have laid out asset management subsidiaries one after another. five new asset management subsidiaries were set up in the industry last year, and many are still applying for the establishment of asset management. After setting up capital management, some securities firms also apply for a public offering license. On the one hand, it is beneficial for securities firms to cooperate with the exhibition industry, on the other hand, it will also provide convenience for securities firms in the aspects of large collection and public participation, public offering commission division and so on.

The assets management subsidiary company officially develops its business.

It is reported that as early as June 10, 2022, Guolian Securities held the 2021 annual shareholders' meeting to examine and pass the "motion on the establishment of an asset management subsidiary", agreeing that the company should contribute 1 billion yuan to set up a wholly-owned asset management subsidiary.

"the establishment of asset management subsidiaries is in line with regulatory policy guidance, industry development trend and the company's pan-wealth management strategic positioning, which is conducive to improving business efficiency, speeding up business transformation, focusing on active management, and improving customer wealth management service capabilities. enhance market competitiveness. After the establishment of the asset management subsidiary, we will strive to build a comprehensive asset management platform to provide professional financial services for investors and contribute stable and sustainable long-term returns to the company. " Guolian Securities announced that.

On September 7, 2023, the company received a reply from the China Securities Regulatory Commission on approving the establishment of an asset management subsidiary of Guolian Securities Co., Ltd. According to the reply, the CSRC approved the company to engage in securities asset management business through the establishment of Guolian securities asset management, and at the same time approved the company to reduce securities asset management business.

At present, Guolian Securities and assets Management has completed the establishment work, obtained the "Business license", and recently obtained the "Securities and Futures Business license". Guolian Securities and assets Management is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, registered in Qingdao, registered capital of 1 billion yuan, securities and futures business scopeWemadegamesnftSecurities asset management

According to the annual report, by the end of 2023, Guolian Securities had managed a total of 300 asset management plans and 1172 entrusted funds for asset management business.Wemadegamesnft9.3 billion yuan, an increase of 14.94 percent over the same period last year, and business income reached 190 million yuan during the reporting period, an increase of 2.55 percent over the same period last year. Among them, there are 4 products of public offering funds (including large collections) with assets of 8.773 billion yuan, 84 collective asset management plans with assets of 20.957 billion yuan, 146single asset management plans with assets of 49.154 billion yuan, and 66 special asset management plans. the asset size is 38.408 billion yuan.

For 2024, Guolian Securities said that the company's asset management business will cover five major areas: fixed collection, fixed collection +, FOF allocation, equity and derivatives, and ABS, strengthen product supply capacity, enrich product strategy, continuously improve the level of comprehensive financial services, and forge its own wealth management characteristics. Strengthen the digital integration of business, and provide customers with multi-level, omni-directional and high-quality asset management services. At the same time, speed up the opening of asset management subsidiaries, co-ordinate compliance, risk management and talent echelon construction, and enhance professional operation capabilities.

wemadegamesnft| Latest! A 100 billion-dollar pipe company approved to expand its business

Last year's annual report said that in order to make up for the vacancy of public offering fund license, seize the opportunity of industry strategic development, deepen the transformation of wealth management, and enhance the capacity of comprehensive financial services, the company acquired a 75.5% stake in Zhongrong Fund during the reporting period. On August 1, 2023, Zhongrong Fund changed its name to League of Nations Fund.

The management of industry resources

The development of asset management business and the establishment of asset management subsidiaries has become a major layout focus of the industry.

According to the data of the China Securities Association, with the landing of the policy of "one parameter, one control, one card", the securities industry actively arranges public offering business, seeks public offering business license, and enhances the competitiveness of asset management business through business coordination. In 2023, securities companies continue to focus on the transformation of public offering. Five new asset management subsidiaries have been set up in the industry, and 13 securities companies or asset management subsidiaries have obtained public offering business licenses in the industry.

The five new asset management subsidiaries established in 2023 are Great Wall Securities (002939) Asset Management, Guolian Securities (600909) Asset Management, Guoxin Securities (002736) Asset Management and Huafu Securities Management. At present, Capital Securities and Cinda Securities are queuing up to apply for the establishment of asset management subsidiaries.

Up to now, there are 30 brokerage asset management subsidiaries in the industry, including Eastern Securities Asset Management, Guotai Junan (601211) Asset Management, Optical Asset Management, Haitong Asset Management, Zhejiang Merchants Asset Management, Guangfa Capital Management and so on. After the establishment of the asset management subsidiary, some securities firms will also apply for a public offering business license for the asset management subsidiary.

In 2023, two new securities firms' asset management subsidiaries were qualified for public offering business, namely investment promotion and certificate management, and the two securities firms' asset management subsidiaries were approved in July and November of the same year, respectively. The "one parameter, one control, one card" layout of the two brokerages took shape.

Some brokerage analysts pointed out that due to the decline in the scale of securities firms' capital management after the new regulations, the scale pressure brought about by the removal of channel business needs to be filled by actively managed products, so most listed securities firms hope to apply for public offering licenses through the channels of asset management subsidiaries and enter the public offering fund market to expand their business incrementally.

The reporter noted that at present, the asset management of many securities firms are still carrying out the public offering transformation of large collection products, and some of them have chosen to postpone the transformation without completing the transformation on schedule. According to the relevant requirements, securities firms with the qualification of public offering fund management may apply to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for registration of relevant large collection products as public offering funds that match the risk-return characteristics. However, as many brokerages have not obtained a public offering license, product postponement has become one of the options.

Editor: Wang Yunpeng

Proofreading: Su Huanwen

25 05

2024-05-25 17:54:02

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