
doublebonuspokermachine| Everbright Futures Field Survey-Whether there are opportunities for agricultural products to explode


On-the-spot investigation of Everbright Futures-whether there is a burst opportunity for agricultural products

doublebonuspokermachine| Everbright Futures Field Survey-Whether there are opportunities for agricultural products to explode

Survey area: the south and east of Jixi

Researcher: Wang Na, Director of Agricultural products, Futures Research Institute, Everbright University (qualification number: F0243534Doublebonuspokermachine, transaction Enquiry number: Z0001262)

Summary of the investigation: 1. Farmers in the south of JixiDoublebonuspokermachineThe cost of land charter has been reduced by 3000 yuan per square foot. The cost of chartered land last year 1Doublebonuspokermachine.60 thousand, the fee for this year is 1.Doublebonuspokermachine.30,000, the decline was lower than previously expected. 2. The planting fee does not change much. The cost outside the land package is about 6, 000, with a total of 19000. According to the output of 11-12 tons, the unit price of 30 water is 0.90 yuan. 3. Last year, the total cost was 22000, the opening scale was 0.90, and the selling price was 0.82. it was generally at a loss last year. 4. the stock of local trade is about 300000 tons lower than that of last year, and there are still 500000 tons of grain stored in Jixi this year, reaching 80-900000 tons last year. This provides support for the market. 3. Local trading enterprises still have expectations for future corn prices. After the pressure of corn sales in North China, North China is expected to use northeast corn. Now the corn in the two places is hanging upside down, and it is expected that the upside down will change.

09 05

2024-05-09 18:23:18

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