
pokerhandodds| The net value of fund products in the science and technology direction has increased significantly, fund managers maintain positive expectations and judgment


Our reporter Wu Shan

Trainee journalist Peng Yansong

With the equity marketPokerhandoddsContinue to warm upPokerhandoddsThe net unit value of some fund products has increased, including many equity products At the same time, a number of fund managers hold positive expectations for the future. They believe that the market valuation is on the low side, the market style is expected to switch to the technology growth style, and the science and technology direction fund will come to the fore.

Since the beginning of this year, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock indexes have gradually shown a warming trend. As of May 13, the Shanghai Composite Index has risen 5%.Pokerhandodds.82%, and the Shenzhen Composite Index rose 1%.Pokerhandodds.56%. Especially since February, this trend has been reflected in the increase in the net worth of equity fund products. Wind information data show that since February, 10672 funds (only the main code, the same below) unit net value has increased, accounting for 89.85%. In terms of equity products, the net worth of 6252 units increased, and the net worth of 5144 equity funds increased by more than 10%.

In terms of specific product performance, funds aimed at the direction of science and technology have gradually come to the fore. Judging from the top 100 funds with the highest net worth growth since February, no matter from the fund name, such as "Internet", "digital economy", "cutting-edge industry", "emerging blue chip", etc., or from its actual position structure, all reflect a lot of "science and technology content".

pokerhandodds| The net value of fund products in the science and technology direction has increased significantly, fund managers maintain positive expectations and judgment

Caitong fund manager Tang Jiawei revealed in the Caitong emerging blue-chip mixed quarterly report that the position in the first quarter mainly revolves around the pursuit of the "certainty" of the boom, that is, high-boom industries where supply and demand are desensitized from traditional demand, including optical modules and AIPC industries that benefit from the prosperity of the AI industrial chain.

With regard to the increase in the net value of equity fund units, Chen Yuheng, a senior investment consultant at Jufeng Investment, said in an interview with the Securities Daily that this shows that the recent investment strategy of fund managers has been effectively implemented and has brought real returns for investors. At the same time, it also means more investment opportunities in the market. In addition, the increase in unit net worth also reflects the increase in market risk appetite and reflects the positive attitude of investors towards higher returns.

Looking back at the net worth growth since February, Hui Sheng leads the mix A with an increase of 54.84%. Sun Qing and Zeng Hua, fund managers of Hui Sheng, said that the market expected to fluctuate greatly in the first quarter of 2024, and the market repair was ushered in in March.

Yuan Hang, deputy general manager of Penghua Fund Equity Investment Department, is also optimistic about the market.

He said that the market still has medium-and long-term upward space, valuations are currently historically low, and the positive effects of low valuations will continue to be released in a longer-term dimension.

Looking forward to the future, a number of fund managers maintain a positive expectation judgment.

Zou Lihu, a fund manager at Jingshun Great Wall, said he held a positive view on the economy and the stock market. He believes that the economy is undergoing a structural transformation, with a gradual increase in the share of industries such as high-end manufacturing, which will also be reflected in stock pricing.

Luo Shing, a mixed initiator fund manager of Dongcai Digital economy, said that in the second quarter, he will continue to focus on the industry changes in the field of AI computing power and applications and electronics, especially in the storage sector.

Wang Puxiu, wealth management partner of, told Securities Daily that as the global AI industry enters the initial stage of large-scale investment, IT infrastructure, represented by computing power, is benefiting from the demand for artificial intelligence, and its prosperity is expected to remain upward. At the same time, the performance problems of growth stocks worried by the market at this stage have been solved. While the dividend sector and resource products are strong, the performance-to-price advantages of most growth stocks begin to highlight. In the later stage, the market style is expected to switch from dividend value to technology growth style.

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2024-05-14 09:45:21

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