
fattydragonandskinnytiger| ESG seminar on high-quality development of listed companies in Wuhu was held on Sanqi Mutual Entertainment to share the results of corporate ESG practice


May 13, sponsored by Wuhu listed Enterprise Association and Wuhu City Enterprise Federation, Panax notoginseng Mutual Entertainment (002555) and Anhui Digital Culture Industry Innovation Research InstituteFattydragonandskinnytigerThe "Environment, Society and Corporate Governance (ESG) Seminar on High quality Development of Wuhu listed companies" supported by SGS Standard Technical Service Co., Ltd. was held in Sanqi Mutual Entertainment Wuhu Building. Wuhu well-known listed companies, such as Conch cement (600585), Huaihe Energy, three Squirrels (300783), participated in the seminar.

At the seminar, Panax notoginseng shared with each other.FattydragonandskinnytigerThe company's ESG governance experience was introduced, and the company's 2023 ESG report was released on the spot. In 2023, Panax notoginseng mutual entertainment starts with the development of new quality productive forces, and promotes the company's sustainable development plan through continuous innovation while developing steadily. Cheng Lin, vice president of Panax Notoginseng Mutual Entertainment, said that in the future, enterprises will continue to explore the application of innovative technology, produce innovative high-quality content, cultivate innovative and developing talents, and lay out innovative industrial ecology. strive to build the company into an excellent entertainment enterprise with a sense of social responsibility.

This paper expounds the high-quality development achievements of Panax notoginseng mutual entertainment from the point of view of ESG.

In April this year, Sanqi Mutual Entertainment comprehensively upgraded the name and structure of the report according to the "guidelines on self-discipline Supervision of listed companies No. 17-Sustainable Development report (for trial implementation)" issued by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The report was renamed from "Social responsibility report" to "Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance report". In addition, Panax notoginseng entertainment also optimizes the overall structure of the report, subdividing it into four chapters: innovation, environment, society and governance. and in each chapter, the detailed contents of "substantive analysis", "risk analysis" and "governance-strategy-target system" are added to fully show the company's assessment of "dual materiality", as well as non-financial risk management and response to different issues. Show interested parties the company's latest achievements in ESG and sustainable development in 2023.

Set up an inter-departmental platform technology professional committee, apply AI cutting-edge technology to business process optimization and improvement, support talent cultivation and back-feed enterprise development with industry-university-research cooperation on innovative topics. Before the new quality productivity becomesFattydragonandskinnytigerAt present, the hot topic in the economic field of our country, Panax notoginseng mutual entertainment also systematically expounds the company's innovation practice from the dimensions of talents, products, content and so on.

In addition, in view of the enterprise ESG management, Sanqi Mutual Entertainment also introduces the specific practice of continuous improvement of the international advanced ESG letter system and linkage business departments. In terms of environmental performance, the net carbon emissions of Panax notoginseng entertainment in 2023 were sharply reduced by 23% compared with the same period last year.FattydragonandskinnytigerA score of .89%. At the social level, the company has obtained ISO/IEC 27001 information security management system certification for three consecutive years under the certification of SGS, a world-renowned testing, inspection and certification organization, laying a solid foundation for network security and user privacy protection. At the level of corporate governance, Panax Notoginseng Mutual Entertainment became the first A-share listed company to propose consecutive quarterly dividends, and set up an employee equity incentive plan by buying back shares and canceling them, and so on. Share the fruits of enterprise development with relevant parties, especially investors.

"this year is the eighth year in a row that Panax Notoginseng Entertainment has issued a social responsibility report, and it is also the second time that a company has presented its achievements in sustainable development work to professional organizations and news media in Wuhu. Through our efforts, we have become one of the few media and entertainment enterprises in China that have won the MSCI ESG rating, far surpassing the same industry. And these achievements will also spur us to make unremitting innovation, continue to forge ahead, plan the work of sustainable development with a forward-looking vision, and strive to build the company into an excellent entertainment enterprise with a sense of social responsibility. " Cheng Lin, vice president of Panax notoginseng mutual entertainment, was introduced.

Experts from all walks of life focus on ESG and high quality development

In recent years, ESG is increasingly becoming an important force to promote the high-quality economic and social development of our country. In order to promote enterprises to deeply implement the concept of ESG, at the seminar on the same day, experts from Wuhu listed Enterprise Association and Wuhu City Enterprise Federation, domestic well-known experts in the field of ESG, and ESG experts from internationally renowned testing and evaluation institutions SGS shared their work around ESG, with the aim of deeply discussing the practice and innovation of ESG concept in corporate work, and promoting exchanges and cooperation among enterprises, investors, regulatory authorities, media and other parties.

fattydragonandskinnytiger| ESG seminar on high-quality development of listed companies in Wuhu was held on Sanqi Mutual Entertainment to share the results of corporate ESG practice

In the view of Dr. Lu Jianzhong, a senior ESG expert, director of the Global Sustainable Development report Initiative GRI and deputy director of the Sustainable Development Special Committee of the Chinese Society of Management Science, the process of ESG information disclosure provides a way for enterprises to provide accurate, comprehensive and timely information to stakeholders. In turn, it forces enterprises to establish more sound mechanisms and more effective measures in risk identification, risk control and turning risks into opportunities. In the process of promoting the sustainable development of industry, the "four elements of industry" (core values, main areas, key skills, comprehensive resources) can become a tool to identify and establish the key impact of the industry, and help the industry to build a more strategic, substantive, systematic and ecological ESG promotion mechanism.

For the preparation of the ESG report, Yang Jie, an ESG expert from the SGS Management and Assurance Division, analyzed and compared it from domestic and foreign dimensions. And take the rich enterprise case as the carrier, has carried on the detailed explanation to the compilation basis, the organization disclosure project, the substantive topic confirmation process and so on. Yang Jie said that listed companies' ESG disclosure and market evaluation have certain limitations, which should be treated objectively and rationally and invested. When doing ESG, enterprises must also integrate it with strategy, systematically integrate it into daily management, and manage the balance between short-term financial interests and long-term sustainable development.

At the end of the seminar, Han Weimin, former vice chairman of the standing Committee of the Wuhu Municipal people's Congress and convener of the expert Advisory Committee of the Wuhu Municipal Enterprise Federation, mobilized the listed enterprises present, encouraged everyone to actively issue social responsibility reports, and shared the topic "Why should enterprises issue social responsibility reports". In the view of Director Han Weimin, a good enterprise should be effective, comply with regulations, and bear social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility and disclosure to the outside world through CSR and ESG reports will help to enhance corporate image, meet the needs of stakeholders, and establish a trust and stable cooperative relationship. In the future, we also hope that more Wuhu enterprises will do a good job in this work, embrace society, solve problems, create and share value.

[disclaimer] this article only represents the views of a third party and does not represent the position of Hexun. Investors operate accordingly, at their own risk.

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2024-05-14 16:46:22

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