
playtoearngamesnft| External headlines: U.S. industrial output stagnated, manufacturing output fell, European stock markets fell, stopping, longest consecutive gains since 2021


The headlines that the global financial media focused on last night and this morning are mainlyPlaytoearngamesnft:

1. Industrial output in the United States is stagnant and manufacturing output is declining.

2. It is said that the Japanese government is brokering auto companies to work together to develop technology in the field of "software-defined cars".

3. European stock markets fell and stopped rising for the longest time since 2021.

4. AI copyright war ignites.PlaytoearngamesnftYes! Sony Music Group sent more than 700 warning letters around the world.

Fed official Mester: interest rates should remain high for a longer period of time

6. Bridgewater Dalio: the rising level of US debt will impact US debt, so it is recommended to diversify investment destinations.

Us industrial output stagnates and manufacturing output declines

Us industrial production stagnated in April, hampered by a decline in manufacturing production, which lacked momentum.

Data released by the Federal Reserve on Thursday showed that the rate of increase in March was revised down to zero.PlaytoearngamesnftAfter .1%, US industrial output remained flat in April compared with the previous month.

Manufacturing output fell by 0% in AprilPlaytoearngamesnft.3%, affected by automobile output, the March data was revised down to an increase of 0.2%. The output value of manufacturing, excluding cars, fell by only 0.1 per cent, while the decline in mining was mainly affected by a decline in coal mining, while the growth of public utilities accelerated.

It is said that the Japanese government is brokering auto companies to work together to develop technology in the field of "software-defined cars".

Major Japanese automakers such as Toyota, Nissan and Honda will work together to develop a new generation of car software to bring together their expertise in areas such as generative artificial intelligence and semiconductors, according to media reports.

Japan's Ministry of economy, Trade and Industry will call for cooperation among automakers in a forthcoming strategy for the digital transformation of the automotive industry, as a path for the development of a new generation of cars this decade (to 2030), the report said.

Car companies will sign strategic agreements to start cooperation and jointly explore ways to reduce costs in the highly competitive digital competition.

The strategy will focus on "software-defined vehicles" (SDV), which improve the concept of cars through software rather than hardware such as engines or parts, and SDV can also be updated and provide services through OTA, which is expected to significantly improve the safety and convenience of vehicles.

European stock markets fell and stopped rising for the longest time since 2021

European stock markets ended their longest run of gains since 2021 as investor sentiment calmed down from the rally triggered by cooling inflation in the US.

The Stoxx 600 index closed down 0.21%, ending nine straight gains. Automotive, industrial products and energy stocks led the decline, while Siemens shares fell.

At the same time, Roche Holdings rose, as the Swiss pharmaceutical company said it was developing experimental drugs to treat obesity and type 2 diabetes with positive results in the early stages.

The AI copyright war is on fire! Sony Music Group sent more than 700 warning letters around the world.

Sony Music Group (Sony Music Group), one of the world's largest record labels, is moving to ensure that its music rights are not ruthlessly abused by technology companies in the flood of AI, according to news on Thursday.

It is reported that Sony Music has sent letters to more than 700 artificial intelligence companies and streaming platforms around the world, warning them not to use Sony Music's intellectual property rights without explicit authorization to train AI models and require them to stop infringing acts immediately.

Sony Music also posted a statement entitled "choose to withdraw from AI training" on its website, demanding that developers around the world immediately stop using infringing information to train AI and retain traceability for past violations. Of course, companies that have been personally sent warning letters by Sony will have a bigger problem at the stall.

Fed official Mester: interest rates should remain high for a longer time

Loretta Mester, president of the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank, said policymakers needed more data to be sure that inflation was moving towards the Fed's 2% target, and advised officials to keep interest rates high for longer to achieve that goal.

Mester reiterated that monetary policy was in good shape, adding that she expected price growth to cool more slowly than last year, as improvements from supply chain disruptions have been reduced.

"the upcoming economic information shows that it will take longer to gain this confidence," Mester said in a speech prepared for an event in Wooster, Ohio on Thursday. "as our understanding of the inflation path becomes clearer, it is prudent to maintain our position for a longer period of time.

The Cleveland Fed president said earlier this week that policy was in a "good position" and it was too early to say that inflation had stalled. She reiterated that view on Thursday.

playtoearngamesnft| External headlines: U.S. industrial output stagnated, manufacturing output fell, European stock markets fell, stopping, longest consecutive gains since 2021

Hashimi Dalio: the rising level of US debt will impact US debt, and it is recommended to diversify investment destinations.

Redalio, the billionaire founder of hedge fund giant Bridgewater Associates, warned on Thursday that rising U.S. government debt levels could affect demand for U.S. debt, saying investors should move some of their money to foreign markets.

In an interview with the media, Dalio detailed his wide range of concerns about the United States, including its debt burden, what he called the risk of "civil war" and the possibility that the United States could be involved in new international conflicts. That could deter investors from buying Treasuries, he warned.

The Congressional Budget Office had previously predicted that the US debt-to-GDP ratio could exceed its all-time high of 106 per cent during World War II by 2030 and would continue to rise; ignoring the US government's deficit could lead to market shocks triggered by former British Prime Minister Lizzie Truss's big tax cuts. Federal Reserve Chairman Colin Powell has previously admitted that the fiscal path of the United States is not sustainable.

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2024-05-17 07:05:02

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