
truefortunecasinonodepositbonus2022| More than 2000 companies with a market value of 20 trillion yuan, private enterprises in Shenzhen focus on their main business to "take a new level"


449.8 billion yuan

2023Truefortunecasinonodepositbonus2022The overall operating income of private listed companies in Shenzhen stock marketTruefortunecasinonodepositbonus2022.56 trillion yuan, an increase of 6% over the same period last yearTruefortunecasinonodepositbonus2022.63% of the 1485 listed companies made profits, with a net profit of 449.8 billion yuan.

◎ reporter he Yi

Private economy is a new force to promote Chinese-style modernization, and private listed companies are an important foundation for the high-quality development of the capital market. Recently, Shenzhen Jiao has organized and held a collective performance presentation meeting with the theme of "Private economy stepping into a New stage". Senior executives from listed companies such as Sanhuan Group, Zhongwei shares, Leiyi Zhisheng, Guanghe Technology and other listed companies have expressed that they will firmly follow the road of strong quality and science and technology, and actively promote the butterfly transformation and upgrading of advanced technology and the real economy.

The private economy in Shenzhen has made continuous breakthroughs, with the emergence of innovative "leaders" and industrial "pioneers". Shenzhen Stock Exchange ConvergenceTruefortunecasinonodepositbonus2022There are more than 2000 private listed companies, accounting for more than 70% of the total number of listed companies in Shenzhen, with a total market capitalization of about 20 trillion yuan. In 2023, the overall operating income of private listed companies in Shenzhen stock market was 9.56 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.63% over the same period last year.

Improving quality and increasing efficiency in Lean production

As a distinctive feature and important pillar of Shenzhen stock market, private listed companies focus on the development of the main industry, showing good resilience and vitality.

truefortunecasinonodepositbonus2022| More than 2000 companies with a market value of 20 trillion yuan, private enterprises in Shenzhen focus on their main business to "take a new level"

The person in charge of LinkedIn said that in the past three years, the company has invested a total of about 6 billion yuan in research and development, focusing on the core business and improving the efficiency of lean production in terms of process and technology improvement. At the same time, the company constructs a systematic three-level R & D system composed of ITRI, Institute of Technology and BG/BU R & D center, focusing on the application of cutting-edge technology, product development and engineering realization in the industry, constantly expanding the application of traditional superior processes and processes such as die-cutting, stamping, CNC and injection molding in new business areas, and building a solid technical moat.

The R & D force of Sanhuan Group continues to grow, and the number of R & D personnel has increased to 2034. The relevant person in charge of Sanhuan Group said that the company will continue to upgrade its industrial structure, develop and mass produce a number of advanced ceramic materials and products associated with strategic emerging industries such as low-carbon industries, energy-saving industries and green environmental protection industries; research and develop new functional ceramic materials and electronic paste products, enter the new energy field, develop new terminal application products with core technology support, and create a "advanced material expert" technology brand.

The person in charge of Guanghe Technology believes that the company persists in focusing on the main channel of server PCB, continues to increase investment in technology research and innovation, keeps up with the pace of computing chip iteration, revolves around the "cloud, management, end" development strategy, and focuses on organizing technology research and product development in areas such as PCIe6.0 server and AI server, so as to build a solid market position of computing supply chain.

Go out to sea to expand new space

With the steady development of China's high-quality economy, high-quality listed companies in Shenzhen have accelerated their global layout.

"the company has accelerated the integrated layout of front and rear smelting in Indonesia, and has established four major raw material production bases in Indonesia, namely, Morowali, Weidabe, South Kalimantan and North Morowalli. Nickel resources are under construction and the construction capacity of the rough end of the resources has reached 195000 metal tons. We are promoting the construction of industrial bases in South Korea, Morocco and other places in an orderly manner, gradually improving the global layout, and enhancing international competitiveness and influence. " The person in charge of Zhongwei said that the company comprehensively promotes the globalization strategy, through the global supply of raw materials and global manufacturing of materials, to form a safe and stable supply chain system, and enhance the global batch delivery capacity.

In recent years, the New World has continuously ploughed the American market, gradually infiltrated Europe and other high value-added areas, opened up new markets in Southeast Asia, and done a lot of work. In 2023, the overseas sales revenue of New World reached 2.253 billion yuan, accounting for more than 70% of the company's total operating income. "in the future, we will accelerate localization deployment on a global scale, make every effort to open up new markets, and build a global organizational mechanism." New World Deputy General Manager and Chief Financial Officer Xu Zhiling said.

Enhance investors' sense of acquisition

After the release of the new "National Nine articles", the dividend of listed companies has become the focus of the market.

Linyi Zhizheng insists on being investor-oriented and pays attention to the reasonable return to investors. It is reported that the company plans to distribute a total cash dividend of 420 million yuan in 2023 and 2023, accounting for 20.45% of the annual net profit. Since 2022, the company has repurchased about 63.62 million shares, with a cumulative repurchase amount of 300 million yuan. "We will use no more than 100 million yuan to continue to buy back the company's shares and take concrete actions to safeguard the interests of the broad masses of investors."

"only by actively paying dividends can we truly stabilize the confidence of the market and investors." According to the person in charge of Zhongwei shares, in the profit distribution plan for 2023, Zhongwei shares plans to pay a cash dividend of 11.60 yuan (including tax) to all shareholders for every 10 shares, and use the capital accumulation fund to increase 4 shares for every 10 shares. This round of dividends is proposed to pay out 772 million yuan in cash dividends, more than twice the total since the company went public. "We plan to conduct interim dividends in the third quarter of 2024, combining undistributed profits with current results, to enhance investors' sense of achievement."

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2024-05-18 12:15:56

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