
greenwoodbingo| Actively embrace many liquor companies in the tourism industry and promote "wine and tourism integration"


Li Jing, a reporter from our newspaper

"the intention of drunkenness is not to drink.GreenwoodbingoAlso care about the landscape. The joy of the landscape, the heart and the wine. " Since ancient times, many literati have combined the pleasure of drinking with the pleasure of sightseeing. Under the modern industrial system, the deep integration of "liquor + tourism" (liquor + tourism) is also becoming an important breakthrough for listed liquor enterprises to pry C-end economy.

From the perspective of the tourism market, according to the data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, there will be a total of domestic tourism during the May Day holiday in 2024.Greenwoodbingo. 9.5 billion person-times, an increase of 7% over the same period last yearGreenwoodbingo.6%, an increase of 28.2% over the same period in 2019 in a comparable caliber. The vigorous development of tourism has prompted liquor enterprises to actively embrace 100 million-level flow. Since May, Hengshui Lao Baigan Liquor, Shuijingfang and other liquor enterprises have announced to promote the relevant layout of "wine + brigade".

The guiding opinions on the Development of China's Wine Industry during the 14th five-year Plan depict a blueprint for the integrated development of wine and tourism. During the "14th five-year Plan" period, comprehensively enhance the development of the integration of production and tourism in the wine industry, guided by nine major concepts such as the integration of wine and tourism, so that the integration of wine and tourism has really become an important driving force for the high-quality development of the wine industry, pointing out the direction for the future development of the industry.

Song Shuyu, chairman of the China Wine Industry Association, told the Securities Daily that the integration of wine and tourism can promote the transformation of the wine industry from the marketing era to the experience era, and winery tourism is becoming an important fulcrum to pry the new productivity.

Wine enterprises increase the investment of "wine tour"

The prosperity of tourism has accelerated the pace of liquor enterprises' layout of "liquor + brigade" business.

In mid-May, Hengshui Laobaigan Liquor launched a "factory visit + interactive + performance" model to let consumers understand the products when visiting the Hengshui Laobaigan scenic spot.

Coincidentally, Shuijingfang also released the first wine-travel integration route. With the promotion of Chengdu Culture and Tourism Bureau, Shuijingfang and Chengdu Tourism Scenic spot Association jointly launched Chengdu's first wine-tourism integration route "drinking a pot of wine in spring, passing through more than 600 years"; Fenjiu Group launched three flower-watching theme routes during the Apricot Flower Festival. Wuliangye, Luzhou laojiao, Yanghe shares, willing to wine industry, Xifeng wine, Lang liquor and other head liquor enterprises have a layout of wine-tourism integration projects.

Du Shanchuan, a senior tourism expert in the industry, told Securities Daily thatGreenwoodbingoWith the gradual release of diversified consumer demand, superimposed wine enterprises continue to increase their investment in wine and travel integration business, and its market scale is expected to continue to grow. Liquor enterprises should seize the opportunity, actively layout the wine travel business and expand the market space. "

Zhang Liandong, chairman of Yanghe Co., Ltd., said that the company will focus on the unique advantages of wine culture and tourism resources, based on the integration of wine and culture, and further explore new models and new paths. launch a new business model that integrates "liquor production + culture and tourism industry", making the liquor industry develop into a highly integrated industry of the first, second and third industries.

Wuliangye said that the linkage of "liquor + brigade" is a new opportunity for the industry to break the situation, which not only provides an experiential way for the construction of liquor-related culture, but also enables products to gain more opportunities in the increasingly inward market.

Cai Xuefei, an analyst in the liquor industry and general manager of Zhi Chu Consulting, told the Securities Daily that with the layout of major liquor enterprises, "liquor + brigade" is becoming a new development trend on the development of liquor industry clusters and the appreciation of producing areas.

Or become a new profit point for wine enterprises.

If the integration of liquor and travel is the innovation of liquor enterprises based on "market demand, history and culture, and good life", behind its overweight layout, it is the challenge to the traditional business development of liquor industry and the urgent performance of listed liquor enterprises trying to find the second growth curve.

In recent years, with the poor sales in the terminal market, some wine enterprises are faced with problems such as terminal pressure, high channel inventory and so on. According to Choice data, by the end of 2023, the inventory of 20 listed liquor companies was 149.095 billion yuan, an increase of 12.24% over the same period last year.

"the active layout of tourism projects will help wine enterprises to shape the differentiated competitiveness of brands, so as to open up new incremental space in the stock market." Cai Xuefei said that the integration of wine and tourism can also promote the transformation and upgrading of wine enterprises from channel and price competition to high-quality development of culture and quality competition.

"in the market environment with frequent phenomena such as poor sales at the end of the liquor market, high channel inventory, and price upside down, the new racetrack with the integration of wine and travel is an important way for many liquor enterprises to seek the second growth point of profits." Wang Qiang, a Guizhou dealer who has been ploughing the liquor industry for more than 20 years, told Securities Daily.

Xifeng said that the development of the wine-tourism integration project has attracted many tourists to visit, which can promote the sales of the company's liquor products, and the market prospect is very broad.

Du Shanchuan said that the layout of liquor travel business by liquor enterprises is a diversified strategy, which can not only improve brand awareness and influence, but also increase the source of income and improve the economic benefits of enterprises.

In fact, some of the wine companies that took the lead in seizing this segment of the track, and even the regional economy of some wine producing areas, have made breakthroughs in this business field.

According to Maotai Culture Travel, the overall revenue of the enterprise in 2023 was 3.228 billion yuan, completing 181.2% of the plan, an increase of 211.89% over the same period last year. From the perspective of the overall producing areas, Renhuai wine and tourism integration project directly drives tourism consumption of 157 million yuan.

It is not difficult to see that the "wine-travel integration" model is a new anchor for the transformation and development of listed wine enterprises. But the challenge is also huge, how to gradually change from the traditional B side to the C side, is still the key to the long-term development of the wine and tourism integration and subdivision track.

It is not a simple "wine + tourism"

"most of the wine travel fusion products developed by wine enterprises are for their own wine product image display and brand building, and their models are not completely market-oriented." An unnamed analyst confessed to the Securities Daily.

greenwoodbingo| Actively embrace many liquor companies in the tourism industry and promote "wine and tourism integration"

The person said that the wine and travel integration projects currently operating in the market mainly serve dealers, corporate user groups, and even visits and exchanges between politics and business.

A distributor of a liquor enterprise in Guizhou told the Securities Daily: "most of the literary brigades of the liquor industry lack experience, interaction, interest and autonomy." Wine enterprises through the wine-travel integration model, the real focus should be to cultivate more directly facing consumers'C-end 'market, and deepen the relationship with them stickiness. "

Some tourists told reporters that they would find it boring to simply visit the workshop and learn about the wine-making process. If they combine the tourism characteristics of the area where liquor companies are located and reconcile the two, they might be able to attract consumers.

Xiao Jinchun, vice president of the Guizhou Wine Culture Research Association, said that "wine and tourism integration" is not a simple "wine + tourism". Wine companies need to find solutions to sell their products through the integration of wine and tourism. At the same time, we must create a new business format through the integration of tourism and wine industry.

In this regard, Cai Xuefei said that if wine companies want to integrate wine and tourism, they must get rid of manufacturers 'production thinking, regard consumer service as the core logic, and truly combine wine cultural concepts, quality innovation and new tourism methods to develop new product lines. Only then can commercial value be released.

In view of this, liquor companies are also actively understanding the problems and making corresponding plans. Among them, in the planning of Moutai Group, the wine tourism project should focus on "Moutai +", build and put into operation the wine culture city project, and actively promote the construction of immersive experience tourism projects such as Moutai Tianjie and Maojiu Zhiyuan.

Will become a new economic driving force in wine-producing areas

Nowadays, the attention and investment of listed wine companies in the integration of wine tourism has played a driving role in the regional economic development of wine-producing areas. Correspondingly, many wine producing areas have also given great policy support to create a wine tourism integrated IP.

At the beginning of 2024, the Development and Reform Commission of Guizhou Province issued the "Notice on Vigorously Promoting 2000 Key Private Investment Projects in 2024 (Qian Development Gai Investment [2024] No. 45)" to announce to the public the 2000 key private investment projects in 2024. Among them, 107 projects involve the wine industry, and 12 projects are integrated with wine and tourism.

Taking Maotai Town as an example, by innovating the "wine and tourism integration" model, Maotai Town has embarked on a unique path of high-quality development. Official data shows that Moutai Wine Town received 281,700 tourists during the May Day holiday, and its comprehensive tourism revenue exceeded 164 million yuan. During the May Day holiday period, Renhuai City received a total of 599,300 tourists and achieved a comprehensive tourism income of 377 million yuan.

The Sichuan Province Department of Culture and Tourism, in conjunction with relevant provincial departments, is actively promoting 12 wine and tourism integration projects including the China Liquor Museum and the China Wine City·Yangtze River Eco-tourism Belt, with a total planned investment of 45.25 billion yuan.

As of now, the integration of wine and tourism in many wine producing areas across the country is booming. According to incomplete statistics, more than ten liquor production areas across the country, including Renhuai production area, Xishui production area, Luliang production area, and Chengdu production area, are actively promoting the construction of wine and tourism integration projects, with a total investment of more than 100 billion yuan.

Lin Xianping, secretary-general of the Institute of Cultural Creativity at Zhejiang University City College, told the Securities Daily reporter: "The integration of wine and tourism can not only expand each other's development space within the production area, but also leverage and integrate resources, which will help wine companies find a new breakthrough in performance growth."

Wang Qi, executive vice chairman of the China Liquor Industry Association, said that wine cultural tourism is the best way for wine companies to communicate with consumers, and is also the starting point for industrial needs and promoting industrial transformation.

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2024-05-20 07:35:18

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