
highstakesvideopoker| A student's parents in Dingxi, Gansu Province were sentenced to life in the first instance after cheating with the principal and murdering her husband


November 21, 2021highstakesvideopoker, a tragedy caused by an extramarital affair occurred in a noodle shop. Wang Mouxia colluded with her lover Liu Moujunhighstakesvideopoker, used a rolling pin and an aqueous nitrite solution to kill Wang Mouxia's husband Kang. After the case occurred, the two tried to fake the illusion that Kang died of drinking, but the truth finally came out.

It is understood that Liu Moujun and Wang Mouxia met at a parent-teacher conference in 2019 and later developed a lover relationship. In July 2021, after Kang learned that his wife was cheating, he went to Liu Moujun's work unit to make threats and scratched Liu Moujun's arm in the school.

After that, Wang Mouxia and Liu Moujun colluded to retaliate, purchased nitrites and carried out a killing plan. On the night of the crime, the two first had a physical conflict with Kang, and then Kang drank an aqueous solution containing nitrites without knowing it. Although Kang felt the abnormal taste of the water while drinking water, he drank all the water under the coaxing of the two.

highstakesvideopoker| A student's parents in Dingxi, Gansu Province were sentenced to life in the first instance after cheating with the principal and murdering her husband

After the case occurred, Wang Mouxia announced that her husband froze to death after drinking. However, with the police investigation, the criminal behavior of Wang Mouxia and Liu Moujun was exposed. The premeditated, prepared and committed murder by the two men met the constituent requirements of the crime of intentional homicide.

There was controversy in society about the court's final sentence to life imprisonment for intentional homicide, and some people believed that the sentence was too light.

To sum up, the entire process from the occurrence to the judgment of this case not only involved the seriousness of the law, but also touched the sensitive nerves of social morality. The public's attention to the verdict reflects its expectation for judicial fairness and transparency in legal sentencing.

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2024-05-23 09:33:57

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